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Establishing a Professional, Apolitical Educational Consultative Council.


Megat Mohamed Amin Megat Mohamed Nor



Policy Code:

3f Education

Problem Statement:

Political considerations often override the educational concerns. Politics, with a certain set of values and power at the centre, often alters the curriculum and contents according to their stance and opinions in contradiction to that envisaged by the educators. The role of government in the provision of quality education cannot be overemphasized. But often our experience seems to indicate that many of the decisions or changes in policies, before certain policies or curriculum is fully implemented, are politically motivated in contradiction to the opinions of education experts.

Value(s) and Belief(s):

Educational implementation requires at least two interconnected components. First, is the leadership, managerial and administrative part. Second, more importantly is the content of the policies or the desired outcomes. Curriculum design, development, and evaluation must be the sole responsibility of the experts or scholars, perhaps in the form of an professional educational consultative council with minimal political interference.
Experience shows that with increase proximity of politics in our education, the value of the whole system is certainly brought down to low standards. Today we hear a lot about ‘saffronisation’ of education. Politics, with a certain set of values and power at the center, brings about a revision of syllabus and alters the curriculum and contents according to their stance and opinions.
Policies implementation, particularly in the field of education, requires considerable amount of time in order to ensure smooth and consistent outcome. The role of government in the provision of quality education cannot be overemphasized. But often our experience seems to indicate that many of the decisions or changes in policies, before certain policies or curriculum is fully implemented, are politically motivated in contradiction to the opinions of education experts. Political considerations often override the educational considerations.

Proposal of Solution:

The consultative panel of experts or scholars with adequate experience in education and holding leadership positions, are responsible for establishing and implementing education policy. The differences between what is desired in education (curriculum, instruction and assessment) and what is implemented has been a constant problem in education. In order to reduce this gap, we propose the following:-
1. Formation of the professional, ‘apolitical’ educational consultative council consisting of relevant experts in specified fields within the Ministry of Education or otherwise;
2. Explicitly define the role of government and the roles of the consultative council in the process of implementation so that there may be minimal political interference or interventions;
3. Increase the role of our youth in the formation of educational policies;
4. Empower the role our educational administrators, teachers and perhaps the student themselves in policy and curriculum design, decisions and implementation. Basically, it will position education professionalism in place.

Additional Information:



Isu dan Polisi Semasa:

Pertimbangan politik sering kali mencampuri urusan pendidikan. Politik yang mempunyai nilai tertentu dan pemusatan kuasa sering mengubah kurikulum dan isi kandungan berdasarkan pendirian dan pandangan mereka yang bertentangan dengan apa yang dibawa oleh para pendidik. Peranan kerajaan dalam menyediakan pendidikan berkualiti tidak boleh diberi kuasa yang berlebihan. Pengalaman kita menunjukkan bahawa banyak keputusan atau perubahan polisi, sebelum ia dilaksanakan sepenuhnya, adalah kerana faktor politik, yang mana bertentangan dengan pandangan pakar-pakar pendidikan.

Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan:

Pelaksanaan pendidikan memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya dua komponen yang saling berkait. Pertama adalah kepimpinan, pengurusan dan pentadbiran. Kedua, apa yang lebih penting adalah kandungan polisi atau hasil yang diinginkan. Reka bentuk, pengembangan, dan penilaian kurikulum mestilah menjadi tanggungjawab pakar dan sarjana semata-mata, misalnya sebuah majlis perundingan pendidikan yang profesional dan campur tangan politik yang minima.


Majlis perundingan yang terdiri daripada pakar dan sarjana yang berpengalaman dalam pendidikan dan memegang jawatan kepimpinan bertanggungjawab untuk menetapkan dan melaksanakan dasar pendidikan. Perbezaan antara apa yang diinginkan dalam pendidikan (kurikulum, penyampaian dan pentaksiran) dan apa yang dilaksanakan telah menjadi perdebatan yang berterusan dalam pendidikan. Untuk mengurangkan jurang ini, kami mencadangkan perkara berikut:-
1. Penubuhan majlis perundingan pendidikan yang profesional dan bebas politik, yang mengandungi pakar-pakar yang berkaitan dalam bidang tertentu dalam Kementerian Pendidikan, ataupun dari luar Kementerian;
2. Menentukan peranan kerajaan dan majlis perundingan secara jelas dalam proses pelaksanaannya supaya dapat mengurangkan gangguan atau campur tangan politik;
3. Meningkatkan peranan belia dalam pembentukan dasar-dasar pendidikan;
4. Memperkasakan peranan pentadbir, guru dan murid dalam pembentukan dasar dan reka bentuk kurikulum, keputusan dan pelaksanaan. Pada asasnya, ia akan meletakkan profesionalisme pendidikan di tempatnya.

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